Trending Research

A Conflict-Free Replicated JSON Datatype

automerge/automerge 13 Aug 2016

Many applications model their data in a general-purpose storage format such as JSON.

Distributed, Parallel, and Cluster Computing Databases

0.08 stars / hour

SingVisio: Visual Analytics of Diffusion Model for Singing Voice Conversion

open-mmlab/amphion 20 Feb 2024

In this study, we present SingVisio, an interactive visual analysis system that aims to explain the diffusion model used in singing voice conversion.

Sound Human-Computer Interaction Audio and Speech Processing

0.07 stars / hour

Leveraging Content-based Features from Multiple Acoustic Models for Singing Voice Conversion

open-mmlab/Amphion 17 Oct 2023

It is yet to be explored what characteristics of content features from different acoustic models are, and whether integrating multiple content features can help each other.

Sound Audio and Speech Processing

0.07 stars / hour

Manu: A Cloud Native Vector Database Management System

milvus-io/milvus 28 Jun 2022

In the past three years, through interaction with our 1200+ industry users, we have sketched a vision for the features that next-generation vector databases should have, which include long-term evolvability, tunable consistency, good elasticity, and high performance.


0.07 stars / hour

ViPlanner: Visual Semantic Imperative Learning for Local Navigation

leggedrobotics/viplanner 2 Oct 2023

This optimization uses a differentiable formulation of a semantic costmap, which enables the planner to distinguish between the traversability of different terrains and accurately identify obstacles.


0.07 stars / hour

Clio: Real-time Task-Driven Open-Set 3D Scene Graphs

mit-spark/clio 21 Apr 2024

The first contribution of this paper is to propose a task-driven 3D scene understanding problem, where the robot is given a list of tasks in natural language and has to select the granularity and the subset of objects and scene structure to retain in its map that is sufficient to complete the tasks.


0.07 stars / hour

Open-Source, Cost-Aware Kinematically Feasible Planning for Mobile and Surface Robotics

ros-planning/navigation2 23 Jan 2024

This work is motivated by the lack of performant and available feasible planners for mobile and surface robotics research.


0.07 stars / hour

A Hybrid DSP/Deep Learning Approach to Real-Time Full-Band Speech Enhancement

xiph/rnnoise 24 Sep 2017

Despite noise suppression being a mature area in signal processing, it remains highly dependent on fine tuning of estimator algorithms and parameters.

Sound Audio and Speech Processing

0.07 stars / hour

Libfork: portable continuation-stealing with stackless coroutines

conorwilliams/libfork 28 Feb 2024

Fully-strict fork-join parallelism is a powerful model for shared-memory programming due to its optimal time scaling and strong bounds on memory scaling.

Distributed, Parallel, and Cluster Computing

0.06 stars / hour

A formalisation of Gallagher's ergodic theorem

leanprover-community/mathlib 1 Feb 2023

Gallagher's ergodic theorem is a result in metric number theory.

Logic in Computer Science Number Theory 11K60, 11J83

0.06 stars / hour