Instead of applying the recurrent neural networks (RNNs) that use traditional recurrent connections, we present a recurrent module based on a feedforward sequential memory network (FSMN), which is considered "RNN-free" recurrent network due to the ability to capture recurrent patterns without using recurrent connections.
Ranked #1 on Speech Separation on Libri2Mix
Speech Separation Sound Audio and Speech Processing
Text-to-Speech (TTS) systems face ongoing challenges in processing complex linguistic features, handling polyphonic expressions, and producing natural-sounding multilingual speech - capabilities that are crucial for future AI applications.
Sound Audio and Speech Processing
This paper describes Meta's TestGen-LLM tool, which uses LLMs to automatically improve existing human-written tests.
Software Engineering
Many current applications have to perform data processing in a streaming fashion.
Distributed, Parallel, and Cluster Computing
Therefore, SuperVINS, developed as an enhancement of VINS-Fusion, integrates the deep learning neural network model SuperPoint for feature point extraction and loop closure detection.
The de facto approach for computing the approximation of this fixpoint uses a sequential algorithm based on weak topological order (WTO).
Programming Languages
Large Language Models (LLMs) have demonstrated great potential in robotic applications by providing essential general knowledge.
This paper proposes Hierarchical Diffusion Policy (HDP), a new imitation learning method of using objective contacts to guide the generation of robot trajectories.
To address these issues, we propose a multi-cam multi-map visual inertial localization system, which provides real-time, causal and drift-free position feedback to the robot control loop.
Embedded Linux processors are increasingly used for real-time computing tasks such as robotics and Internet of Things (IoT).
Software Engineering Robotics