Room Layout Estimation

18 papers with code • 1 benchmarks • 4 datasets

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Most implemented papers

ImVoxelNet: Image to Voxels Projection for Monocular and Multi-View General-Purpose 3D Object Detection

saic-vul/imvoxelnet 2 Jun 2021

To address this problem, we propose ImVoxelNet, a novel fully convolutional method of 3D object detection based on monocular or multi-view RGB images.

RoomNet: End-to-End Room Layout Estimation

GitBoSun/roomnet ICCV 2017

This paper focuses on the task of room layout estimation from a monocular RGB image.

Holistic 3D Scene Parsing and Reconstruction from a Single RGB Image

thusiyuan/holistic_scene_parsing ECCV 2018

We propose a computational framework to jointly parse a single RGB image and reconstruct a holistic 3D configuration composed by a set of CAD models using a stochastic grammar model.

Cooperative Holistic Scene Understanding: Unifying 3D Object, Layout, and Camera Pose Estimation

thusiyuan/cooperative_scene_parsing NeurIPS 2018

Holistic 3D indoor scene understanding refers to jointly recovering the i) object bounding boxes, ii) room layout, and iii) camera pose, all in 3D.

Structured3D: A Large Photo-realistic Dataset for Structured 3D Modeling

bertjiazheng/Structured3D ECCV 2020

Recently, there has been growing interest in developing learning-based methods to detect and utilize salient semi-global or global structures, such as junctions, lines, planes, cuboids, smooth surfaces, and all types of symmetries, for 3D scene modeling and understanding.

Total3DUnderstanding: Joint Layout, Object Pose and Mesh Reconstruction for Indoor Scenes from a Single Image

yinyunie/Total3DUnderstanding CVPR 2020

Semantic reconstruction of indoor scenes refers to both scene understanding and object reconstruction.

Holistic 3D Scene Understanding from a Single Image with Implicit Representation

chengzhag/Implicit3DUnderstanding CVPR 2021

We not only propose an image-based local structured implicit network to improve the object shape estimation, but also refine the 3D object pose and scene layout via a novel implicit scene graph neural network that exploits the implicit local object features.

LED2-Net: Monocular 360 Layout Estimation via Differentiable Depth Rendering

fuenwang/LED2-Net 1 Apr 2021

Although significant progress has been made in room layout estimation, most methods aim to reduce the loss in the 2D pixel coordinate rather than exploiting the room structure in the 3D space.

Learning to Reconstruct 3D Non-Cuboid Room Layout from a Single RGB Image

CYang0515/NonCuboidRoom 16 Apr 2021

Single-image room layout reconstruction aims to reconstruct the enclosed 3D structure of a room from a single image.

Zillow Indoor Dataset: Annotated Floor Plans With 360deg Panoramas and 3D Room Layouts

zillow/zind CVPR 2021

We present Zillow Indoor Dataset (ZInD): A large indoor dataset with 71, 474 panoramas from 1, 524 real unfurnished homes.