Search Results for author: Shalom Lappin

Found 15 papers, 5 papers with code

Language Modeling with Syntactic and Semantic Representation for Sentence Acceptability Predictions

1 code implementation WS (NoDaLiDa) 2019 Adam Ek, Jean-Philippe Bernardy, Shalom Lappin

Our experiments also show that neither syntactic nor semantic tags improve the performance of LSTM language models on the task of predicting sentence acceptability judgments.

Language Modelling Sentence

A Neural Model for Compositional Word Embeddings and Sentence Processing

no code implementations CMCL (ACL) 2022 Shalom Lappin, Jean-Philippe Bernardy

We propose a new neural model for word embeddings, which uses Unitary Matrices as the primary device for encoding lexical information.

Sentence Word Embeddings

Assessing the Unitary RNN as an End-to-End Compositional Model of Syntax

no code implementations11 Aug 2022 Jean-Philippe Bernardy, Shalom Lappin

We show that both an LSTM and a unitary-evolution recurrent neural network (URN) can achieve encouraging accuracy on two types of syntactic patterns: context-free long distance agreement, and mildly context-sensitive cross serial dependencies.

Explainable Models Word Embeddings

The Effect of Context on Metaphor Paraphrase Aptness Judgments

1 code implementation WS 2019 Yuri Bizzoni, Shalom Lappin

We conduct two experiments to study the effect of context on metaphor paraphrase aptness judgments.


A Compositional Bayesian Semantics for Natural Language

no code implementations COLING 2018 Jean-Philippe Bernardy, Rasmus Blanck, Stergios Chatzikyriakidis, Shalom Lappin

We propose a compositional Bayesian semantics that interprets declarative sentences in a natural language by assigning them probability conditions.


The Influence of Context on Sentence Acceptability Judgements

1 code implementation ACL 2018 Jean-Philippe Bernardy, Shalom Lappin, Jey Han Lau

We investigate the influence that document context exerts on human acceptability judgements for English sentences, via two sets of experiments.

Language Modelling Machine Translation +2

Predicting Human Metaphor Paraphrase Judgments with Deep Neural Networks

no code implementations WS 2018 Yuri Bizzoni, Shalom Lappin

We propose a new annotated corpus for metaphor interpretation by paraphrase, and a novel DNN model for performing this task.

Binary Classification Classification +4

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