Search Results for author: Paula Fortuna

Found 7 papers, 3 papers with code

Cartography of Natural Language Processing for Social Good (NLP4SG): Searching for Definitions, Statistics and White Spots

no code implementations ACL (NLP4PosImpact) 2021 Paula Fortuna, Laura Pérez-Mayos, Ahmed Abura’Ed, Juan Soler-Company, Leo Wanner

Based on a list of keywords retrieved from the literature and revised in view of the task, we select from this corpus articles that can be considered to be on NLP4SG according to our definition and analyze them in terms of trends along the time line, etc.

Ethics Text Simplification

MIN_PT: An European Portuguese Lexicon for Minorities Related Terms

no code implementations ACL (WOAH) 2021 Paula Fortuna, Vanessa Cortez, Miguel Sozinho Ramalho, Laura Pérez-Mayos

Hate speech-related lexicons have been proved to be useful for many tasks such as data collection and classification.

Targets and Aspects in Social Media Hate Speech

1 code implementation ACL (WOAH) 2021 Alexander Shvets, Paula Fortuna, Juan Soler, Leo Wanner

Mainstream research on hate speech focused so far predominantly on the task of classifying mainly social media posts with respect to predefined typologies of rather coarse-grained hate speech categories.

Abusive Language

Toxic, Hateful, Offensive or Abusive? What Are We Really Classifying? An Empirical Analysis of Hate Speech Datasets

no code implementations LREC 2020 Paula Fortuna, Juan Soler, Leo Wanner

The field of the automatic detection of hate speech and related concepts has raised a lot of interest in the last years.

Merging Datasets for Aggressive Text Identification

no code implementations COLING 2018 Paula Fortuna, Jos{\'e} Ferreira, Luiz Pires, Guilherme Routar, S{\'e}rgio Nunes

Regarding these, we merged two datasets, and the results showed that training with similar data is an advantage in the classification of social networks data.

Aggression Identification Classification +1

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