Search Results for author: Iury Bessa

Found 7 papers, 0 papers with code

Towards Global Neural Network Abstractions with Locally-Exact Reconstruction

no code implementations21 Oct 2022 Edoardo Manino, Iury Bessa, Lucas Cordeiro

Unfortunately, existing abstraction techniques are slack, which limits their applicability to small local regions of the input domain.

QNNVerifier: A Tool for Verifying Neural Networks using SMT-Based Model Checking

no code implementations25 Nov 2021 Xidan Song, Edoardo Manino, Luiz Sena, Erickson Alves, Eddie de Lima Filho, Iury Bessa, Mikel Lujan, Lucas Cordeiro

QNNVerifier is the first open-source tool for verifying implementations of neural networks that takes into account the finite word-length (i. e. quantization) of their operands.


Evolving Fuzzy System Applied to Battery Charge Capacity Prediction for Fault Prognostics

no code implementations18 Feb 2021 Murilo Osorio Camargos, Iury Bessa, Luiz A. Q. Cordovil Junior, Pedro Henrique Silva Coutinho, Daniel Furtado Leite, Reinaldo Martinez Palhares

In such problems, accurate predictions of multiple steps ahead are essential for the Remaining Useful Life (RUL) estimation of a given asset.

Incremental Verification of Fixed-Point Implementations of Neural Networks

no code implementations21 Dec 2020 Luiz Sena, Erickson Alves, Iury Bessa, Eddie Filho, Lucas Cordeiro

We have implemented the proposed approach on top of the efficient SMT-based bounded model checker (ESBMC), and its experimental results show that it can successfully verify safety properties, in actual implementations of ANNs, and generate real adversarial cases in MLPs.

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