Search Results for author: Carl Schultz

Found 8 papers, 0 papers with code

Coronary Artery Segmentation from Intravascular Optical Coherence Tomography Using Deep Capsules

no code implementations13 Mar 2020 Arjun Balaji, Lachlan Kelsey, Kamran Majeed, Carl Schultz, Barry Doyle

We show that our developments lead to a model, DeepCap, that is on par with state-of-the-art machine learning methods in terms of segmentation quality and robustness, while using as little as 12% of the parameters.

Coronary Artery Segmentation Segmentation

Answer Set Programming Modulo `Space-Time'

no code implementations17 May 2018 Carl Schultz, Mehul Bhatt, Jakob Suchan, Przemysław Wałęga

We present ASP Modulo `Space-Time', a declarative representational and computational framework to perform commonsense reasoning about regions with both spatial and temporal components.

Visual Explanation by High-Level Abduction: On Answer-Set Programming Driven Reasoning about Moving Objects

no code implementations3 Dec 2017 Jakob Suchan, Mehul Bhatt, Przemysław Wałęga, Carl Schultz

We present the formal framework, its general implementation as a (declarative) method in answer set programming, and an example application and evaluation based on two diverse video datasets: the MOTChallenge benchmark developed by the vision community, and a recently developed Movie Dataset.

Object Tracking

Deeply Semantic Inductive Spatio-Temporal Learning

no code implementations9 Aug 2016 Jakob Suchan, Mehul Bhatt, Carl Schultz

We present an inductive spatio-temporal learning framework rooted in inductive logic programming.

Inductive logic programming

Non-Monotonic Spatial Reasoning with Answer Set Programming Modulo Theories

no code implementations25 Jun 2016 Przemysław Andrzej Wałęga, Carl Schultz, Mehul Bhatt

We present ASPMT(QS), a novel approach and fully-implemented prototype for non-monotonic spatial reasoning -a crucial requirement within dynamic spatial systems- based on Answer Set Programming Modulo Theories (ASPMT).

Spatial Symmetry Driven Pruning Strategies for Efficient Declarative Spatial Reasoning

no code implementations16 Jun 2015 Carl Schultz, Mehul Bhatt

Declarative spatial reasoning denotes the ability to (declaratively) specify and solve real-world problems related to geometric and qualitative spatial representation and reasoning within standard knowledge representation and reasoning (KR) based methods (e. g., logic programming and derivatives).

ASPMT(QS): Non-Monotonic Spatial Reasoning with Answer Set Programming Modulo Theories

no code implementations16 Jun 2015 Przemysław Andrzej Wałęga, Mehul Bhatt, Carl Schultz

We present ASPMT(QS), a novel approach and fully-implemented prototype for non-monotonic spatial reasoning ---a crucial requirement within dynamic spatial systems-- based on Answer Set Programming Modulo Theories (ASPMT).

Cognitive Interpretation of Everyday Activities: Toward Perceptual Narrative Based Visuo-Spatial Scene Interpretation

no code implementations22 Jun 2013 Mehul Bhatt, Jakob Suchan, Carl Schultz

We position a narrative-centred computational model for high-level knowledge representation and reasoning in the context of a range of assistive technologies concerned with "visuo-spatial perception and cognition" tasks.

Position Scene Understanding

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