Search Results for author: Akisato Kimura

Found 19 papers, 7 papers with code

Unsupervised Intrinsic Image Decomposition with LiDAR Intensity Enhanced Training

no code implementations21 Mar 2024 Shogo Sato, Takuhiro Kaneko, Kazuhiko Murasaki, Taiga Yoshida, Ryuichi Tanida, Akisato Kimura

To address this challenge, we propose a novel approach that utilizes only an image during inference while utilizing an image and LiDAR intensity during training.

Intrinsic Image Decomposition

Deep Attentive Time Warping

1 code implementation13 Sep 2023 Shinnosuke Matsuo, Xiaomeng Wu, Gantugs Atarsaikhan, Akisato Kimura, Kunio Kashino, Brian Kenji Iwana, Seiichi Uchida

Unlike other learnable models using DTW for warping, our model predicts all local correspondences between two time series and is trained based on metric learning, which enables it to learn the optimal data-dependent warping for the target task.

Dynamic Time Warping Metric Learning +2

Selective Scene Text Removal

1 code implementation1 Sep 2023 Hayato Mitani, Akisato Kimura, Seiichi Uchida

Scene text removal (STR) is the image transformation task to remove text regions in scene images.

Deep Quantigraphic Image Enhancement via Comparametric Equations

1 code implementation5 Apr 2023 Xiaomeng Wu, Yongqing Sun, Akisato Kimura

Most recent methods of deep image enhancement can be generally classified into two types: decompose-and-enhance and illumination estimation-centric.

Image Enhancement

Listening Human Behavior: 3D Human Pose Estimation With Acoustic Signals

no code implementations CVPR 2023 Yuto Shibata, Yutaka Kawashima, Mariko Isogawa, Go Irie, Akisato Kimura, Yoshimitsu Aoki

Aiming to capture subtle sound changes to reveal detailed pose information, we explicitly extract phase features from the acoustic signals together with typical spectrum features and feed them into our human pose estimation network.

3D Human Pose Estimation

Reflectance-Oriented Probabilistic Equalization for Image Enhancement

1 code implementation14 Sep 2022 Xiaomeng Wu, Yongqing Sun, Akisato Kimura, Kunio Kashino

Despite recent advances in image enhancement, it remains difficult for existing approaches to adaptively improve the brightness and contrast for both low-light and normal-light images.

Density Estimation Image Enhancement

ConceptBeam: Concept Driven Target Speech Extraction

no code implementations25 Jul 2022 Yasunori Ohishi, Marc Delcroix, Tsubasa Ochiai, Shoko Araki, Daiki Takeuchi, Daisuke Niizumi, Akisato Kimura, Noboru Harada, Kunio Kashino

We use it to bridge modality-dependent information, i. e., the speech segments in the mixture, and the specified, modality-independent concept.

Metric Learning Speech Extraction

Font Generation with Missing Impression Labels

no code implementations19 Mar 2022 Seiya Matsuda, Akisato Kimura, Seiichi Uchida

Our goal is to generate fonts with specific impressions, by training a generative adversarial network with a font dataset with impression labels.

Decoder Font Generation +2

Font Shape-to-Impression Translation

no code implementations11 Mar 2022 Masaya Ueda, Akisato Kimura, Seiichi Uchida

The versatility of Transformer allows us to realize two very different approaches for the analysis, i. e., multi-label classification and translation.

Multi-Label Classification Translation

Permuton-induced Chinese Restaurant Process

1 code implementation NeurIPS 2021 Masahiro Nakano, Yasuhiro Fujiwara, Akisato Kimura, Takeshi Yamada, Naonori Ueda

Our main contribution is to introduce the notion of permutons into the well-known Chinese restaurant process (CRP) for sequence partitioning: a permuton is a probability measure on $[0, 1]\times [0, 1]$ and can be regarded as a geometric interpretation of the scaling limit of permutations.

Which Parts Determine the Impression of the Font?

no code implementations26 Mar 2021 Masaya Ueda, Akisato Kimura, Seiichi Uchida

Various fonts give different impressions, such as legible, rough, and comic-text. This paper aims to analyze the correlation between the local shapes, or parts, and the impression of fonts.


Shared Latent Space of Font Shapes and Their Noisy Impressions

no code implementations23 Mar 2021 Jihun Kang, Daichi Haraguchi, Seiya Matsuda, Akisato Kimura, Seiichi Uchida

The difficulty is that the impression words attached to a font are often very noisy.

Impressions2Font: Generating Fonts by Specifying Impressions

no code implementations18 Mar 2021 Seiya Matsuda, Akisato Kimura, Seiichi Uchida

Various fonts give us various impressions, which are often represented by words.

Baxter Permutation Process

1 code implementation NeurIPS 2020 Masahiro Nakano, Akisato Kimura, Takeshi Yamada, Naonori Ueda

Compared with conventional BNP models for arbitrary RPs, the proposed model is simpler and has a high affinity with Bayesian inference.

Bayesian Inference

Weakly supervised collective feature learning from curated media

no code implementations13 Feb 2018 Yusuke Mukuta, Akisato Kimura, David B Adrian, Zoubin Ghahramani

Through these insights, we can define human curated groups as weak labels from which our proposed framework can learn discriminative features as a representation in the space of semantic concepts the users intended when creating the groups.

Link Prediction TAG

Single-epoch supernova classification with deep convolutional neural networks

no code implementations30 Nov 2017 Akisato Kimura, Ichiro Takahashi, Masaomi Tanaka, Naoki Yasuda, Naonori Ueda, Naoki Yoshida

Our method first builds a convolutional neural network for estimating the luminance of supernovae from telescope images, and then constructs another neural network for the classification, where the estimated luminance and observation dates are used as features for classification.

Astronomy Classification +1

Denoising random forests

no code implementations30 Oct 2017 Masaya Hibino, Akisato Kimura, Takayoshi Yamashita, Yuji Yamauchi, Hironobu Fujiyoshi

A denoising autoencoder can be trained with indicator vectors produced from clean and noisy input samples, and non-leaf nodes where incorrect decisions are made can be identified by comparing the input and output of the trained denoising autoencoder.


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