Style Detection

4 papers with code • 0 benchmarks • 0 datasets

Image style detection

Most implemented papers

Style Detection for Free Verse Poetry from Text and Speech

timobaumann/deeplyrik COLING 2018

Modern and post-modern free verse poems feature a large and complex variety in their poetic prosodies that falls along a continuum from a more fluent to a more disfluent and choppy style.

One-Shot Object Detection without Fine-Tuning

RyanXLi/OneshotDet 8 May 2020

Deep learning has revolutionized object detection thanks to large-scale datasets, but their object categories are still arguably very limited.

NBC-Softmax : Darkweb Author fingerprinting and migration tracking

gayanku/nbc-softmax 15 Dec 2022

An author style detection task is a metric learning problem, where learning style features with small intra-class variations and larger inter-class differences is of great importance to achieve better performance.

Measuring Style Similarity in Diffusion Models

learn2phoenix/csd 1 Apr 2024

We also propose a method to extract style descriptors that can be used to attribute style of a generated image to the images used in the training dataset of a text-to-image model.