molecular representation

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Analyzing Learned Molecular Representations for Property Prediction

swansonk14/chemprop 2 Apr 2019

In addition, we introduce a graph convolutional model that consistently matches or outperforms models using fixed molecular descriptors as well as previous graph neural architectures on both public and proprietary datasets.

Self-Supervised Graph Transformer on Large-Scale Molecular Data

tencent-ailab/grover NeurIPS 2020

We pre-train GROVER with 100 million parameters on 10 million unlabelled molecules -- the biggest GNN and the largest training dataset in molecular representation learning.

ChemBERTa: Large-Scale Self-Supervised Pretraining for Molecular Property Prediction

seyonechithrananda/bert-loves-chemistry 19 Oct 2020

GNNs and chemical fingerprints are the predominant approaches to representing molecules for property prediction.

Learning Continuous and Data-Driven Molecular Descriptors by Translating Equivalent Chemical Representations

jrwnter/cddd journal 2018

In this work, we propose to exploit the powerful ability of deep neural networks to learn a feature representation from low-level encodings of a huge corpus of chemical structures.

Self-Referencing Embedded Strings (SELFIES): A 100% robust molecular string representation

aspuru-guzik-group/selfies 31 May 2019

SELFIES can be directly applied in arbitrary machine learning models without the adaptation of the models; each of the generated molecule candidates is valid.

Molecular representation learning with language models and domain-relevant auxiliary tasks

BenevolentAI/MolBERT 26 Nov 2020

We apply a Transformer architecture, specifically BERT, to learn flexible and high quality molecular representations for drug discovery problems.

Multiresolution Equivariant Graph Variational Autoencoder

hytruongson/mgvae 2 Jun 2021

In this paper, we propose Multiresolution Equivariant Graph Variational Autoencoders (MGVAE), the first hierarchical generative model to learn and generate graphs in a multiresolution and equivariant manner.

SSI–DDI: Substructure–Substructure Interactions for Drug–Drug Interaction Prediction

kanz76/ssi-ddi Briefings in Bioinformatics 2021

A major concern with co-administration of different drugs is the high risk of interference between their mechanisms of action, known as adverse drug–drug interactions (DDIs), which can cause serious injuries to the organism.

Molecular Geometry Pretraining with SE(3)-Invariant Denoising Distance Matching

chao1224/geossl 27 Jun 2022

Further by leveraging an SE(3)-invariant score matching method, we propose GeoSSL-DDM in which the coordinate denoising proxy task is effectively boiled down to denoising the pairwise atomic distances in a molecule.

Energy-Motivated Equivariant Pretraining for 3D Molecular Graphs

jiaor17/3D-MGP 18 Jul 2022

Pretraining molecular representation models without labels is fundamental to various applications.