Investigating current-based and gating approaches for accurate and energy-efficient spiking recurrent neural networks

Spiking Neural Networks (SNNs) with spike-based computations and communications may be more energy-efficient than Artificial Neural Networks (ANNs) for embedded applications. However, SNNs have mostly been applied to image processing, although audio applications may better fit their temporal dynamics. We evaluate the accuracy and energy-efficiency of Leaky Integrate-and-Fire (LIF) models on spiking audio datasets compared to ANNs. We demonstrate that, for processing temporal sequences, the Current-based LIF (Cuba-LIF) outperforms the LIF. Moreover, gated recurrent networks have demonstrated superior accuracy than simple recurrent networks for such tasks. Therefore, we introduce SpikGRU, a gated version of the Cuba-LIF. SpikGRU achieves higher accuracy than other recurrent SNNs on the most difficult task studied in this work. The Cuba-LIF and SpikGRU reach state-of-the-art accuracy, only <1.1% below the accuracy of the best ANNs, while showing up to a 49x reduction in the number of operations compared to ANNs, due to the high spike sparsity.

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Results from the Paper

Task Dataset Model Metric Name Metric Value Global Rank Benchmark
Audio Classification SSC SpikGRU Accuracy 77 # 4


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