
Introduced by Ho et al. in Learning Locally Editable Virtual Humans

CustomHumans is recorded by a multi-view photogrammetry system equipped with 53 RGB (12 Megapixels) and 53 (4 Megapixels) IR cameras. The resulting high-quality scan is composed of a 40K-face mesh alongside a 4K-resolution texture map. In addition to the high-quality scans, CustomHumans provides accurately registered SMPL-X parameters using a customized mesh registration pipeline. 80 participants are invited for the data capturing. Each of them is instructed to perform several movements, such as "T-pose", "Hands Up'", "Squat'", "Turing head'', and "Hand gestures", in a 10-second long sequence (300 frames). 4-5 best-quality meshes in each sequence are selected as the data samples. In total, the dataset contains more than 600 high-quality scans with 120 different garments.


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