Search Results for author: Shan Wang

Found 26 papers, 6 papers with code

中国语言学研究 70 年:核心期刊的词汇增长(70 Years of Linguistics Research in China: Vocabulary Growth of Core Journals)

no code implementations CCL 2022 Shan Wang, Runzhe Zhan, Shuangyun Yao

“建国以来我国语言学经过 70 年的发展取得了瞩目的成就, 已有研究主要以回顾主要历史事件的方式介绍这一进程, 但尚缺少使用量化手段分析其历时发展的研究。本文以词汇增长为切入点探究这一主题, 首次创建大规模语言学中文核心期刊摘要的历时语料库, 并使用三大词汇增长模型预测语料库中词汇的变化。本文选择拟合效果最好的 Heaps 模型分阶段深入分析语言学词汇的变化, 显示出国家政策的指导作用和特定时代的语言生活特征。此外, 与时序无关的验证程序支撑了本文研究方法的有效性。 关键词:中国语言学;词汇增长;核心期刊;摘要;语料库;历时发展”

基于依存语法的偷抢类动词研究(Research of Verbs of Stealing and Robbing Based on Dependency Grammar)

no code implementations CCL 2021 Shan Wang, Xiaojun Liu

“本文筛选了汉语“偷抢”类动词的单句, 并借助依存语法的标注体系对“偷抢”类动词句法依存和语义依存进行定量分析。研究结果表明, 当汉语“偷抢”类动词为从属词时, 表现出句法功能的多样性、内部相似性和区别其他动词小类的特异性, 其语义角色分布具有多样性。当汉语“偷抢”类动词为支配词时, 该类动词的句法依存随其不同的句法功能而发生变化;从该类动词的语义依存来看, 其客体语义密度整体低于主体语义密度, 最常见的情境角色是地点和时间, 在事件关系中, 并列事件发生概率最高。“偷抢”类动词的句法语义特点丰富, 主要的句型为主谓宾句式, 而该句式中最常用的语义搭配模式是施事对受事实施偷抢动作。本研究结合依存语法和框架语义学, 深化了对汉语“偷抢”类动词的句法、语义和事件关系的了解, 促进了对该类动词的研究。”

回避类动词的句法语义(The Syntax and Semantics of Verbs of Avoiding)

no code implementations CCL 2021 Shan Wang, Xiaojun Liu

“回避行为是人类重要的认知经验, 己有对回避类动词的研究多为分析回避类动词的隐性否定语义和语篇博弈效果, 但对该类动词的深层句法和语义分析不多。本文选取五个双音节回避类动词为研究对象, 利用依存语法的相关理论, 基于大规模语料分析回避类动词的句法和语义特征, 从而深化对该类动词的研究。本研究的结果也可以进一步完善现有的汉语词典。本研究对汉语研究、汉语教学、词典编纂等具有重要的参考价值。”

欺骗类动词的句法语义研究(On the Syntax and Semantics of Verbs of Cheating)

no code implementations CCL 2021 Shan Wang, Jie zhou

“欺骗是一种常见的社会现象, 但对欺骗类动词的研究十分有限。本文筛选“欺骗”类动词的单句并对其进行大规模的句法依存和语义依存分析。研究显示,“欺骗”类动词在句中作为从属词时, 可作为不同的句法成分和语义角色, 同时此类动词在句法功能上表现出高度的相似性。作为支配词的“欺骗”类动词, 承担不同句法功能时, 表现出不同的句法共现模式。语义上, 本文详细描述、解释了该类动词在语义密度、主客体角色、情境角色和事件关系等维度的语义依存特点。“欺骗”类动词的句法语义虽具有多样性, 但主要的句型为主谓宾句式, 而该句式中最常用的语义搭配模式是施事对涉事进行欺骗行为, 并对涉事产生影响。本研究结合依存语法和框架语义学, 融合定量统计和定性分析探究欺骗类动词的句法语义, 深化了对欺骗行为言语线索以及言说动词的研究。”

近十年来澳门的词汇增长(Macau’s Vocabulary Growth in the Recent Ten Year)

no code implementations CCL 2021 Shan Wang, Zhao Chen, Haodi Zhang

“词汇增长模型可以通过拟合词种(types)与词例(tokens)之间的数量关系, 反映某一领域词汇的历时演化。澳门作为多语言多文化融合之地, 词汇的使用情况能够反映社会的关注焦点, 但目前尚无对澳门历时词汇演变的研究。本文首次构建澳门汉语历时语料库, 利用三大词汇增长模型拟合语料库的词汇变化, 并选取效果最好的 Heaps 模型进一步分析词汇演变与报刊内容的关系, 结果反映出澳门词汇的变化趋势与热点新闻、澳门施政方针和民生密切相关。本研究还采用去除文本时序信息后的乱序文本, 验证了方法的有效性。本文是首项基于大规模历时语料库考察澳门词汇演变的研究, 对深入了解澳门语言生活的发展具有重要意义。”

Inclusive Design Insights from a Preliminary Image-Based Conversational Search Systems Evaluation

no code implementations29 Mar 2024 Yue Zheng, Lei Yu, Junmian Chen, Tianyu Xia, Yuanyuan Yin, Shan Wang, Haiming Liu

The digital realm has witnessed the rise of various search modalities, among which the Image-Based Conversational Search System stands out.

Conversational Search Emotion Recognition

Reformulating Vision-Language Foundation Models and Datasets Towards Universal Multimodal Assistants

2 code implementations1 Oct 2023 Tianyu Yu, Jinyi Hu, Yuan YAO, Haoye Zhang, Yue Zhao, Chongyi Wang, Shan Wang, Yinxv Pan, Jiao Xue, Dahai Li, Zhiyuan Liu, Hai-Tao Zheng, Maosong Sun

The capabilities of MLLMs depend on two crucial factors: the model architecture to facilitate the feature alignment of visual modules and large language models; the multimodal instruction tuning datasets for human instruction following.

Instruction Following

Large Multilingual Models Pivot Zero-Shot Multimodal Learning across Languages

3 code implementations23 Aug 2023 Jinyi Hu, Yuan YAO, Chongyi Wang, Shan Wang, Yinxu Pan, Qianyu Chen, Tianyu Yu, Hanghao Wu, Yue Zhao, Haoye Zhang, Xu Han, Yankai Lin, Jiao Xue, Dahai Li, Zhiyuan Liu, Maosong Sun

Building a competitive counterpart in other languages is highly challenging due to the low-resource nature of non-English multimodal data (i. e., lack of large-scale, high-quality image-text data).

Language Modelling Large Language Model +1

View Consistent Purification for Accurate Cross-View Localization

no code implementations ICCV 2023 Shan Wang, Yanhao Zhang, Akhil Perincherry, Ankit Vora, Hongdong Li

This paper proposes a fine-grained self-localization method for outdoor robotics that utilizes a flexible number of onboard cameras and readily accessible satellite images.

Pose Estimation

Model Calibration in Dense Classification with Adaptive Label Perturbation

1 code implementation ICCV 2023 Jiawei Liu, Changkun Ye, Shan Wang, Ruikai Cui, Jing Zhang, Kaihao Zhang, Nick Barnes

To improve model calibration, we propose Adaptive Stochastic Label Perturbation (ASLP) which learns a unique label perturbation level for each training image.

Binary Classification Classification +1

CodeGeeX: A Pre-Trained Model for Code Generation with Multilingual Evaluations on HumanEval-X

2 code implementations30 Mar 2023 Qinkai Zheng, Xiao Xia, Xu Zou, Yuxiao Dong, Shan Wang, Yufei Xue, Zihan Wang, Lei Shen, Andi Wang, Yang Li, Teng Su, Zhilin Yang, Jie Tang

Large pre-trained code generation models, such as OpenAI Codex, can generate syntax- and function-correct code, making the coding of programmers more productive and our pursuit of artificial general intelligence closer.

Code Generation

Blind Super-Resolution for Remote Sensing Images via Conditional Stochastic Normalizing Flows

no code implementations14 Oct 2022 Hanlin Wu, Ning Ni, Shan Wang, Libao Zhang

Besides, we introduce a degradation representation strategy based on contrastive learning to avoid the error amplification problem caused by the explicit degradation estimation.

Blind Super-Resolution Contrastive Learning +1

CVLNet: Cross-View Semantic Correspondence Learning for Video-based Camera Localization

no code implementations7 Aug 2022 Yujiao Shi, Xin Yu, Shan Wang, Hongdong Li

The critical challenge of this task is to learn a powerful global feature descriptor for the sequential ground-view images while considering its domain alignment with reference satellite images.

Camera Localization Image-Based Localization +1

Satellite Image Based Cross-view Localization for Autonomous Vehicle

no code implementations27 Jul 2022 Shan Wang, Yanhao Zhang, Ankit Vora, Akhil Perincherry, Hongdong Li

This paper introduces a novel approach to cross-view localization that departs from the conventional image retrieval method.

Autonomous Vehicles Image Retrieval +1

Voxelized 3D Feature Aggregation for Multiview Detection

1 code implementation7 Dec 2021 Jiahao Ma, Jinguang Tong, Shan Wang, Wei Zhao, Zicheng Duan, Chuong Nguyen

However, we find that these 2D transformations do not take into account the object's height, and with this neglection features along the vertical direction of same object are likely not projected onto the same ground plane point, leading to impure ground-plane features.

Multiview Detection

Magnetopause reconnection and indents induced by foreshock turbulence

no code implementations12 Mar 2021 Li-Jen Chen, Jonathan Ng, Yuri Omelchenko, Shan Wang

Based on global hybrid simulation results, we predict that foreshock turbulence can reach the magnetopause and lead to reconnection as well as Earth-sized indents.

Space Physics Earth and Planetary Astrophysics Plasma Physics

Building The Sense-Tagged Multilingual Parallel Corpus

no code implementations LREC 2014 Shan Wang, Francis Bond

Sense-annotated parallel corpora play a crucial role in natural language processing.

Identifying Idioms in Chinese Translations

no code implementations LREC 2014 Wan Yu Ho, Christine Kng, Shan Wang, Francis Bond

Optimally, a translated text should preserve information while maintaining the writing style of the original.

Machine Translation Translation

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