Steganalysis via a Convolutional Neural Network using Large Convolution Filters for Embedding Process with Same Stego Key

25 May 2016  ·  Jean-François Couchot, Raphaël Couturier, Christophe Guyeux, Michel Salomon ·

For the past few years, in the race between image steganography and steganalysis, deep learning has emerged as a very promising alternative to steganalyzer approaches based on rich image models combined with ensemble classifiers. A key knowledge of image steganalyzer, which combines relevant image features and innovative classification procedures, can be deduced by a deep learning approach called Convolutional Neural Networks (CNN). These kind of deep learning networks is so well-suited for classification tasks based on the detection of variations in 2D shapes that it is the state-of-the-art in many image recognition problems. In this article, we design a CNN-based steganalyzer for images obtained by applying steganography with a unique embedding key. This one is quite different from the previous study of {\em Qian et al.} and its successor, namely {\em Pibre et al.} The proposed architecture embeds less convolutions, with much larger filters in the final convolutional layer, and is more general: it is able to deal with larger images and lower payloads. For the "same embedding key" scenario, our proposal outperforms all other steganalyzers, in particular the existing CNN-based ones, and defeats many state-of-the-art image steganography schemes.

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