A flexible framework for accurate LiDAR odometry, map manipulation, and localization

29 Jul 2024  ·  José Luis Blanco-Claraco ·

LiDAR-based SLAM is a core technology for autonomous vehicles and robots. Despite the intense research activity in this field, each proposed system uses a particular sensor post-processing pipeline and a single map representation format. The present work aims at introducing a revolutionary point of view for 3D LiDAR SLAM and localization: (1) using view-based maps as the fundamental representation of maps ("simple-maps"), which can then be used to generate arbitrary metric maps optimized for particular tasks; and (2) by introducing a new framework in which mapping pipelines can be defined without coding, defining the connections of a network of reusable blocks much like deep-learning networks are designed by connecting layers of standardized elements. Moreover, the idea of including the current linear and angular velocity vectors as variables to be optimized within the ICP loop is also introduced, leading to superior robustness against aggressive motion profiles without an IMU. The presented open-source ecosystem, released to ROS 2, includes tools and prebuilt pipelines covering all the way from data acquisition to map editing and visualization, real-time localization, loop-closure detection, or map georeferencing from consumer-grade GNSS receivers. Extensive experimental validation reveals that the proposal compares well to, or improves, former state-of-the-art (SOTA) LiDAR odometry systems, while also successfully mapping some hard sequences where others diverge. A proposed self-adaptive configuration has been used, without parameter changes, for all 3D LiDAR datasets with sensors between 16 and 128 rings, extensively tested on 83 sequences over more than 250~km of automotive, hand-held, airborne, and quadruped LiDAR datasets, both indoors and outdoors. The open-sourced implementation is available online at https://github.com/MOLAorg/mola

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